What The EDM TBT of The Day ?

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Just – la la la la la – It goes around the world
Just – la la la la la – It’s all around the world
Just – la la la la la – And everybody’s singing
La la la la la – And now the bells are ringing


If those lyrics do not give you a clue on what the song is, then you were living under a rock in the early 2000s. ATC or ( A Touch of Class) released Around the World ( La La La La La) in  May 2000. The catchy hit of the German group received instant success in Europe going platinum and reaching 28 on the Billboard Hot 100. Covers of the melody have been covered by many singers and rappers. Unfortunately, the group is known for being a one hit wonder and this song was their only radio success. Maybe in the future there will be a around the world and back tour. If that tour never happens, this will always be a tune in the EDM community.

Throwback Thursday EDM Song of the Day

A throwback from the past

Today is the day for a good ole Throwback Thursday song from the past ! We all know this song. As soon as the song start, you already singing the lyrics. DJ Sammy-Heaven is the ultimate EDM song of the early 2000s. The remake of Heaven went right to number one in multiple countries and became a staple song in EDM history. If you are ready to sing your little heart out, this is where you can relive your early 2000s.

5 ways to Get into Elite Clubs in NYC

Ever wonder how people in get in the best clubs in NYC ? Some people get in by their looks, luck, connections, and or by their fame. Many people associate clubs like 1OAk , TAO , PHD, Marquee, and Avenue and instantly assume they are pricy and upscale places to party. To some these clubs are just another night, different people. People like that are usually regulars and most of time never pay to get in. The 5 ways I am about list are my experience and knowledge that only really works for girls. Not saying guys can not use but the likely hood of a guy getting in before girl is slim to none. Girls are always permitted in Elite Clubs first because it’s common courtesy.

    1. Go with a Group of Girls

When going with a group of girls, make sure all of them have on heels, a nice dress, and cute accessories  ! Girls that looks taller makes them more attractive to the doorman and bouncer and grabs their attention quickly.

    2. Go with a Promoter

People who are friends with promoters mostly likely pay reduced admission or never pay at all to get into the club. Clubs pay people to become promoters to get as much people as possible to party there. This becomes a weekly outing for some friends because the amount of fun people have at different clubs leaves an huge impact on them.

   3. Stand outside the Club around 11:40ish

This may sound crazy but I have seen this work before. Some girls will  stand outside clubs and wait for guys to see them outside. Guys literally ask them who they came with and more than likely the girls will say no one. The guy(s) will then walk them to the line  and walk them through the front door like 1, 2, 3  and poof now the girls are in the club.

  4. Be super polite to the Doorman and Bouncers

Being extremely nice to the Club’s doorman and bouncers can make your life that night so perfect every time you go out. If you go out often, they will remember your face and you can get so many perks and connections. You will cherish these perks every time you party there.

 5. Never show up super intoxicated 

This rule should be not only for elite clubs but  in general. Showing up wasted face is not a good image upon yourself. It will make you look trashy and more than likely the doorman will not let you in. Especially for elite clubs many celebrities party there and it will be a bad look if someone that drunk tumbles in. It makes the club look bad and also it is a safety issue as well. So just save all that partying for inside the club.



What Happening on Marquee on a Saturday ?

From LED Lasers, top selling DJs, beautiful rich people, to lovely bottle service, Marquee is the best place to go on a Saturday night. You may think this just another NYC club with the same type of people and music; but it is much more than that this is a life changing experience. Every other weekend, I go to Marquee with my group of club besties. Each time I go there I have a different experience each time. The night start off by people waiting in table reservations or general admission line. These lines  draws a line between from VIP to average party goers. The majority of the line are usually tall women with heels and dresses. I am not saying there are no guys in the line but, women dominate the table reservation line. Most of the guys that are in that line are either lovely promoters or guys who pay for tables.The general admission line is a mixture of both. If you can, make sure you get the feel of being in the table reservation line because the experience with a table and without one is extremely different. Once you make it by the doorman and bouncers, you make your way to the table or dance floor. Once your’re in Marquee, it is like you go into a different world. At times, I personally  forget that I am still in New York City. From the great lighting, interior design, CO2 blaster every time the beats drops,  Marquee Saturdays are perfect for a GNO or just an overall fun night in New York City. Like every human on the planet, we all have to use the restroom when we are in public. Marquee has 2 bathrooms one upstairs one downstairs. These lines can get intense so my advice is to go directly to the restroom once you enter Marquee. It will be so much better 2 hours later when you have not gone at all. Ladies you will thank me later.You never know who you be partying with. Elites such as super models and actors party at Marquee all the time there because it is literally one the best clubs out there. I encourage everyone to check it out and have a blast while there !
